
Future World 2323

What in the Baoist World?

You may be asking…what in the world does the launch of this book have to do with Baoism?

The answer is - a lot! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/erdonaldson/future-world-2323

The truth is that in all of my work, whether it is speculative or philosophical, I try to bring about a better world for all of us. This book is no different. I tried to focus on the Rox (positive things) that I think make life better for everyone.

One aspect of that is collaborative creation and cooperation. This project began with me writing a book (Notes from Nowhere) that detailed a future society that fit the mold of what I think we as humans can be. I put a man from our time into a democratic confederalist utopia set in Hawaii three hundred years from now. Hawaii though is a very small part of the world and realistically, I don’t think that all of humanity will be united in harmony in three centuries, as much as I would love to see that.

So the rest of the world was different. Different countries, different ideologies, different governance systems. The world is too big for me to define alone so I reached out to my fellow writers and asked if they would like to write stories about different parts of the future world. Five other writers answered the call.

A lot of this future history is mapped out by me in Notes from Nowhere (written in 2020). Hawaii and the nations of the Pacific form a kind of decentralized government. The United States after a second Trump administration and conversion to sort of religious dictatorship called the Republican States of America fractures - Texas and Mexico unite to form the Texican Nation. The West Coast of North America seceded and bands together from Alaska to British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Baja - they become one nation - The Bear and Salmon Republic. E.R Donaldson details the Great Lakes region becoming the Wolverine Isles, Rionna Morgan writes about how Ireland is saved by Witchcraft, Ameera Rashid writes about how a major technology reshapes the Middle East, and our friend Quanta goes into a liminal space as a race of humans that live between worlds begins to interact with humanity. There is a lot going on in Future World 2323. You may recognize some of those names as people who shared their belief systems here in videos with the Baoist Community.

The way we decided to publish this book was through using a kickstarter campaign. Our goal is modest. We want the individual authors to be paid for their work and to earn enough to pay for printing and distribution to the backers of the campaign. We are defining a world collaboratively and attempting to publish cooperatively. All of this is an experiment that breaks away from a world of domination and exploitation.

And as for the messages in the book - well - if you want to see Elon Musk transformed into a lunatic cyborg trying to become an immortal god, you can read about it in this book (or just watch the news). If you want to see what the future of the United States under a sort of Trumpian Papacy looks like - same thing. If you want to explore Artificial Intelligence and the possibility of love between human and AI, it’s here. So are spiritual journeys and lessons, romance, and so much more.

We’d really like this project to succeed. We need your help and cooperation for that to happen. If you can share our project with your networks - that would be wonderful. If you want to back our project and get an early copy of the book - that would also be wonderful.


We are excited about the future! Please join us in making it happen!

CD, Rionna, E.R, Quanta, Ameera, and Dylan

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